Common House Plants: Names and Pictures of Popular Indoor Greenery

house plant names

Preferring 50% or higher humidity, be sure to spritz your plant down from time to time with a bit of water to prevent browning leaves and leaf drop. When kept as houseplants, pitcher plants can naturally help combat annoying pests like fruit flies and houseflies. To keep your bamboo happy, just provide it with bright, indirect light and refrain from overfertilizing your plant, which can cause leaf yellowing and scorching. While frequently sold as tabletop plants, older specimens can get quite large and begin to develop woody stems and treelike forms.


No matter how you choose to use them, spider plants are sure to add interest and beauty to your space. Originating in Central America and Australia, the plant grows well indoors, but not in direct sunlight. The Convallaria majalis is best for indoor bloom, even during the winter. It has different varieties but it is mainly preferred for its white-pink flowers.

Pictures And Names Of Tropical House Plants Beginning With S

As long as you care for them regularly, they’re exceptionally durable. Try to provide at least six hours of bright, indirect sunlight. These are most important for the health of your house plants and this is some of the information I will refer you to if you send an indoor house plant or flower care question.

Pictures And Names Of Tropical House Plants Beginning With P

Otherwise, they can reach an impressive fifteen feet tall, making them ideal centerpieces in bigger rooms. The Christmas cactus is a moderately slow-growing plant that can produce bright flowers during the winter months when other plants rest. Various hybrids offer extended flowering times and more color, and these are a good choice for beginners. As the name implies, the cast-iron plant is one of the most durable choices you can make.

Pictures And Names Of Succulents And Cacti Starting With E

20 Indoor Flowering Plants for a Brighter Home All Year Round - Good Housekeeping

20 Indoor Flowering Plants for a Brighter Home All Year Round.

Posted: Tue, 31 Jan 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

As one of the more unique-looking options on any list of common household plants, they come in a wide variety of striped colors, including green, red, yellow, and purple. For instance, you can check the latest price here on the lemon and lime version from the picture above. Monstera deliciosa does best in bright indirect sunlight but can also tolerate low light conditions. These plants like to be on the drier side and should only be watered about once a week or when the soil is dry. This plant can produce impressive edible fruits, but only under optimal conditions.

Other ZZ Plant FAQs

With simple needs, try to ensure your emerald ripple is watered regularly, approximately once a week, and reduce waterings a bit during winter. Simple to propagate, new plant starts can be grown from both stem and leaf cuttings. Native to southeast Asia, this low maintenance houseplant is valued for its dark green, waxy, spade-shaped leaves.

Sword Fern

house plant names

It’s best if you have a spot for your fiddle leaf fig where it can get at least a few hours of direct sunlight each day. You should also keep an eye on how often you’re watering this plant, as it doesn’t like overwatering. In this part, you can find the name and pictures of almost 132 common houseplants. As mentioned above, we listed them based on one of the most popular common names, although you can see other names too. I appreciate the detailed insights on watering techniques, light exposure, and temperature control.

Small Houseplants

house plant names

Dracaena Warneckii plant is a good plant for medium to bright light. Golden Pothos, a popular house plant, will trail over the edge of the pot or climb a trellis or pole. Medium to bright light is best, can be kept in lower light. Some varieties are more forgiving than others, but all succulents require special soil, fertilizer, and a terracotta pot. Even with all of this in place, they’re an unpredictable choice. They prefer to be watered moderately from the bottom of the pot so the leaves stay dry, but they’ll tolerate most light conditions as long as they’re not getting baked by the sun.

Begonia Care: Grow Tuberous Begonia Hybrids Indoors

But here are a few care tips to keep it looking its best. Unlike the red leaves of this air plant species Tillandsia ionantha, the leaves of the ‘Druid’ variety turn a peachy-pink tone with age and right amount of light. This tropical perennial can look stunning in any space with heart-shaped, colorful leaves. Chinese Money Plant has coin-shaped leaves that look striking with a contrasting background. The trailing stems of hoya have clusters of aromatic waxy flowers. The plant is famous for its deep green, long-living, vining foliage and pink or red flowers.

Able to thrive even under poor conditions, this resilient plant will bloom on occasion with clusters of strongly fragrant blooms. Coming in both solid green and variegated varieties, Chinese evergreen plants are super low maintenance, but they pack a punch. Non-toxic to pets, cast iron plants will grow 2 to 3’ tall and can live over 25 years when properly maintained. If you are among those gardeners, who love to tend to the plants regularly, then moisture-loving plants are for you. Pencil Cactus is not a true cactus and belongs to the family of Euphorbia from tropical parts of India and Africa. Coming in different shapes, sizes, and colors, you can pick the one according to the decor.

They thrive in high humidity, so they're a great choice for your bathroom—or you may need to place them in a saucer with pebbles and standing water to provide a humid environment. But if you can meet the light and water requirements, you'll have a gorgeous tree to showcase in your home. This perennial herb can be grown on a sunny windowsill, so you can add a touch of flavor to anything from cocktails to stews. There's never been a better time to adopt a plant, and you can find them at your local nursery or shop for them online.

English ivy makes a great hanging ornamental plant, serving as an excellent wall cover and growing quite tall when given the opportunity to climb. English ivy needs more active care and pruning than many other types of plants, growing to an astounding ninety feet under ideal conditions. Dragon trees stop growing when pots are too small, so you can control their growth by leaving them in a pot of your preferred size.

These glorious blooms come out during the summer and spring seasons. It is a tree plant that can be grown indoors as a small tree. These leaves are spread around the stem to provide coverage as an umbrella would.


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